Why Is Phenylpiracetam Banned?

January 9, 2024

Much has been said about phenylpiracetam, especially regarding its safety and viability. The mystery around this drug deepened after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refused to approve it for human consumption in the United States.

This has left many people who would like to use phenylpiracetam confused and wanting to know more about why phenylpiracetam is banned in this country.

What Is Phenylpiracetam?

Phenylpiracetam is a synthetic equivalent of the drug piracetam, which was developed in the 1980s by a group of scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Biomedical Problems under the direction of Valentina I. Akhapkina (a distinguished Russian psychopharmacologist). It was meant for use by Soviet cosmonauts who needed an effective treatment for the prolonged stress they experienced while working in space.

Although the drug is illegal in the United States, it is sold as a prescription drug in Russia. Continued research on the effect of the drug on animals has shown that phenylpiracetam contains properties that can have antidepressant, anxiolytic, anti-amnesic, anticonvulsant, and memory improvement effects.

This drug has been touted as a strong stimulant that makes your body more tolerant to excess stress and temperatures by slowing activities in your nervous system. Some clinical tests have also indicated a possible connection between the drug and an improvement in several encephalopathic conditions such as lesions in cerebral blood pathways, traumatic brain injury, and various forms of glioma.

Reasons Why Phenylpiracetam Is Banned in the US

Ineffective Ingredients

Because phenylpiracetam is a nootropic drug, it’s mainly meant to be consumed as a nutritional supplement. It’s largely used by athletes who want to achieve and maintain maximum performance and enhance their alertness.

However, the FDA continuously issues advisory statements warning the sports community against using nootropic drugs because it suspects that they contain ineffective and unsafe ingredients.

The FDA further claims that these supplements could prevent you from getting a correct diagnosis when you are ill, which would prevent you from obtaining the correct treatment for the condition. The agency further states that the health and food industry has been infiltrated by unscrupulous dietary supplement manufacturers who use components with no health or dietary value.


Because phenylpiracetam is a strong stimulant, many professional athletes use it to enhance their performance during competitions. This has prompted many sports regulatory bodies in the United States and other parts of the world to include it on their lists of banned doping substances. The World Anti-Doping Agency also added phenylpiracetam hydrazide to its list of banned stimulants. 

Serious Side Effects

Although phenylpiracetam is believed to offer numerous health benefits, some experts have issued warnings for potential consumers, claiming that it may have some serious side effects–especially for pregnant women and people suffering from kidney failure.

Some experts also claim that this drug can cause depression, drowsiness, anxiety, weight gain, and sleep problems. They warn that some phenylpiracetam supplements surpass the number of brain enhancement ingredients stated on their labels.

Final Thoughts

There’s quite a bit of confusion when it comes to choosing between phenylpiracetam hydrazide and phenylpiracetam supplements, which is why it’s important to purchase supplements from trusted sources such as CosmicNootropic. 

Curious about the differences between phenylpiracetam hydrazide versus phenylpiracetam? Don’t miss our latest post!

Legal Disclaimer

Phenylpiracetam a.k.a Phenotropil is not approved for sale or for clinical use by the Food and Drug Administration in the USA as an unapproved new drug. Besides it is deemed a stimulant in competition, hence it is banned by WADA in professional sports. In some post-Soviet countries Phenylpiracetam is available as a prescription drug OTC.


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