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Buy Yohimbine Hydrochloride Online!

Yohimbine Hydrochloride is an extract obtained from the bark of the evergreen tree Corynanthe Yohimbe. Its effect is based on the stimulation of adrenaline production and the suppression of regulatory processes in cells, which can inhibit the process of lipolysis. Yohimbine Hydrochloride is used to treat erectile dysfunctions and boost endurance. Also, it is a popular fat burner – it promotes weight loss without muscle loss.

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Synonyms Quebrachine / Yohimbine / Yohimbine HCl
Form: 50 pills of 5mg
Form description: Pills of white or white with a yellowish tint color, with a bevel.
Active ingredient: Yohimbine hydrochloride – 5 mg
Excipients: Potato starch, milk sugar, calcium stearate.
СAS Number: 146-48-5
ATC code: G04BE04
Pharmacological action: Agents used for erectile dysfunction
Shelf life: 3 years. Do not use it beyond the expiration date printed on the package.
Storage conditions: Store in a dry dark place at temperatures no higher than 25°C (77°F). Keep out of reach of children.
Terms of release: Over-the-counter
Manufacturer: Zdorovye, Ukraine


What is Yohimbine Hydrochloride?

The main active substance of Yohimbine Hydrochloride (or Yohimbine HCl) is an extract obtained from Yohimbe bark – the bark of the evergreen tree Corynanthe yohimbe, which grows in West Africa. It is traditionally used as an aphrodisiac in Africa. In Europe, scientific interest in the erectile properties of this plant arose as early as in the 1900s, because Yohimbe demonstrated a strong aphrodisiacal effect in animals and humans.

The drug is both an alkaloid and an aphrodisiac, which ensures its wide spectrum of action: treatment of erectile dysfunctions, fat burning, and a general stimulating effect on the body. The effect of Yohimbine is based on the stimulation of adrenaline production and the suppression of regulatory processes in cells, which under normal conditions inhibit the process of lipolysis – or the process of turning fat into energy.

Also, its effect is due to the excitation of the nerve endings of the spinal cord, which are responsible for sexual arousal and increased blood circulation in the pelvic area.

What is Yohimbine Hydrochloride Used For?

Yohimbine Hydrochloride has a wide range of applications:

  • Stimulate the work of the nervous system;
  • Improve the filling of the penis with blood, which strengthens the erection and prolongs sexual intercourse;
  • Improve the psycho-emotional background, which has a direct effect on the sexual sensations, and help to eliminate a feeling of discomfort, insecurity, stiffness, and fear;
  • Increase blood pressure and stimulate the work of the heart muscle.

Off-label Uses of Yohimbine Hydrochloride

The drug is often taken by athletes to normalize the cardiovascular system, reduce body weight and increase endurance, which is why it is often included in the list of dietary supplements for sports nutrition. Many companies that sell bodybuilding products provide supplements with yohimbine for the local reduction of fat tissue. This is due to the ability of the active substance to block alpha-adrenergic receptors.

As a rule, the reviews are positive, noting a pronounced fat-burning effect, especially in combination with a smart diet regime and an active lifestyle. However, as a prescription medicine, doctors recommend using Yohimbine hydrochloride only for the purposes indicated in the official description.

Where Can I Order Yohimbine Hydrochloride Online?

You can purchase Yohimbine HCl online at different vendors. CosmicNootropic offers Yohimbine Hydrochloride in packs of 50x5mg pills. We offer worldwide shipping with volume discounts! Always be sure to do your research before ordering any nootropic supplement to ensure you are getting a quality product.

You can purchase Yohimbine Hydrochloride and get it delivered to the US, Europe, the UK, Asia, and many other regions and countries via CosmicNootropic.


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Legal Disclaimer
This product has not been approved by the US FDA. All statements on this page are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the US FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. See more

What is Yohimbine Dosage, How to Use It?

The drug is taken orally during meals with a glass of water. The recommended initial dose can be half a tablet three times a day, with a gradual increase to 1-2 tablets (5–10 mg) three times a day. Exceeding this daily dose is not recommended.

The recommended duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks. Please refer to the official description for additional information.

What are Yohimbine Side Effects?

When taking increased doses of Yohimbine, numerous side effects can be observed, including heart palpitations, high blood pressure, overexcitation, and insomnia. In rare cases, there are panic attacks, hallucinations, headaches, dizziness, and flushing of the skin.

When using Yohimbine in combination with drugs that inhibit the reuptake of noradrenaline, such as Dextromethorphan, Tramadol, some antidepressants, and central nervous system stimulants used to treat ADHD, the risk of hypertensive crisis development may increase.

Yohimbine shall not be used in patients with any liver, kidney, or heart disease, or mental illness.

Patients with cardiovascular disorders shall consult a doctor as Yohimbine may affect blood pressure.

Can One Overdose with Yohimbine Hydrochloride?

The therapeutic index of Yohimbine is rather low; the range between effective and dangerous doses is very narrow. A typical daily dose for the treatment of sexual dysfunction is 15–30 mg. A dose of 100 mg is deadly, it may lead to panic disorders, heart attack, and even death.

Please strictly follow the information in the official instructions and physician’s recommendations to avoid harm to your health.


Drugs based on yohimbine are not recommended for women. It may be especially harmful to pregnant and breastfeeding women’s health since the drug can affect the uterus, complicate childbirth and harm the fetus.



  1. Katona CL et al (1989) Yohimbine binding to platelet alpha 2-adrenoceptors in depression.
  2. Susset JG et al (1989) Effect of yohimbine hydrochloride on erectile impotence: a double-blind study.
  3. Kucio C et al (1991) Does yohimbine act as a slimming drug?
  4. Montorsi F et al (1994) Effect of yohimbine-trazodone on psychogenic impotence: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
  5. Shannon M1, Neuman MI (2000) Yohimbine.
  6. Giampreti A et al (2009) Acute neurotoxicity after yohimbine ingestion by a body builder.
  7. LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury (2012-2015) Yohimbine.
  8. Cohen PA et al (2016) Pharmaceutical quantities of yohimbine found in dietary supplements in the USA.
  9.  Adel-Kader MS et al (2017) Estimation of yohimbine base in complex mixtures by quantitative HPTLC application.
  10. Liu Y et al (2018) Alkaloids with Immunosuppressive Activity from the Bark of Pausinystalia yohimbe.
  11. Sugama S et al (2019) Stress-induced microglial activation occurs through β-adrenergic receptor: noradrenaline as a key neurotransmitter in microglial activation.
  12. Pyke RE (2019) Sexual Performance Anxiety.
  13. Paciaroni et al (2020) Yohimbine as a Starting Point to Access Diverse Natural Product-Like Agents with Re-programmed Activities against Cancer-Relevant GPCR Targets
  14. Jabit et al (2022) Anticancer potential of yohimbine in drug-resistant oral cancer KB-ChR-8-5 cells


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