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Buy Aralia tincture with fast delivery!

Aralia is a well-known gentle adaptogenic tonic herb popular for its wide range of pharmacological properties.

Aralia tincture contains a variety of beneficial oils and acids, vitamins B1, B2. Aralia stimulates the central nervous system (in activity exceeds the tincture of ginseng), has a tonic, hypertensive and hypoglycemic effect. Improves appetite, sleep, weakens the feeling of tiredness, strengthens the nervous system.

It is used to treat physical and mental fatigue, asthenic syndrome, arterial hypotension, decreased sex drive, mental breakdown, depression, enuresis, radiation sickness, and metabolic disorders.

The positive effects of neuropeptides were discovered in the late 1960s when D. de Vid – who coined the term neuropeptide – conducted a number of trials on white rats and found that fragments of adrenocorticotropic hormones facilitate learning abilities.

You can buy Aralia as an additional treatment when recovering from brain injury, contusion, meningitis, postinfectious arachnoiditis, and colds (in the complex therapy).

Aralia tincture is said to:

  • Activate the redox processes in tissues;
  • Promote glucocorticoid function of the adrenal glands;
  • Increase the phagocytic activity of leukocytes;
  • Increase the body’s resistance to harmful external factors.


Produced in Russia.


To be used as a dietary supplement. 

Legal Disclaimer
This product has not been approved by the US FDA. All statements on this page are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the US FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. See more

Dosage and administration

The recommended dosage for Aralia tincture is 30–40 drops dissolved in clean water, orally, after a meal twice a day (in the morning and then in the middle of the day). The duration of the standard treatment course is 15–30 days. A second course can be conducted if prescribed.


Arterial hypertension, hypersensitivity, epilepsy, convulsive state, sleep disturbance, acute infectious or virus diseases, and chronic liver diseases. Aralia is not recommended for children below 12 years, pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects

Rarely: Sleep disturbance, hypertension, tachycardia, allergic reactions, euphoria, anxiety, and diarrhea.

Drug interaction

Aralia potentiates the action of psychostimulants and analeptics (including caffeine, camphor, and phenamine). The drug antagonizes with CNS depressants (including barbiturates, tranquilizers, and anticonvulsants) and hypnotics.

Special instructions

Not recommended to take Aralia tincture in the evening hours in order to avoid sleep disturbances. To achieve the best results use in autumn and winter. Important: tincture contains alcohol.

Country of manufacture


To be used as a dietary supplement. 

  1. Shikov et al (2016) Aralia elata var. mandshurica (Rupr. & Maxim.) J.Wen: An overview of pharmacological studies
  2. Wang et al (2018) Total Saponins of Aralia Elata (Miq) Seem Alleviate Calcium Homeostasis Imbalance and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Related Apoptosis Induced by Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury 
  3. Wang et al (2018) Eclalbasaponin I from Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem. reduces oxidative stress-induced neural cell death by autophagy activation 
  4. Kwon et al (2019) Chronic Alcohol Exposure Induced Neuroapoptosis: Diminishing Effect of Ethyl Acetate Fraction from Aralia elata 
  5. Li et al (2021) The evaluation of anti-breast cancer activity and safety pharmacology of the ethanol extract of Aralia elata Seem. leaves
  6. Xu et al (2022) Traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, toxicity and quality control of medicinal genus Aralia: A review


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